Aerial view of LSU campus

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Gift Options

I would like to make my gift

* In honor or memory option is not available with automatic payments.

Installment Frequency

Your generous gifts will continue unless you contact the LSU Foundation to discontinue your recurring gift. If you prefer to make a certain number of installments, please answer the related question below.

Installment Details
Approximate ending date:
Total gift amount:
Company Information
Tribute Options
Name of the person or pet you are paying tribute to:
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* Your gift amount will not be included in the notification.

Whom should we notify?

Please complete the following fields so that we can appropriately acknowledge your generosity.

Employer Matching Gift

Does your employer match donations? 

If your company has a matching gift program, please submit your match request through the company’s standard process. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Gift Comments

If you would like to share any additional information with us, including what inspired you to make a gift to LSU today, please do so here. Thank you!

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Additional Information

Select your affiliation(s) with LSU.
If you are a parent of one or more LSU student(s), please provide the full name of the child with the earliest graduation date.


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